Timm family origins in germany
All known ancestors of the Timm family lived in the area north of Hamburg. Johnann Christopher Timm married Marion Brandemann in Barmstedt in 1801. Their son Hinrich married Anna Winter in nearby Elmshorn in 1847. Their son Johann Hinrich Timm b 1858 Elmshorn, married Anna-Catharina Lucia Muller in Elmshorn in 1885 and died in Barmstedt in 1913.
Anna-Catharina had been born 1862 in Assel, just across the Elbe; her father, Johann Jacob Lorenz Muller was a shoemaker. She died in Lilienthal in 1947.
Johann and Anna-Catharina has six children:
- Tine: she lived in Osterholz-Scharmbeck. She married twice: Rudolph Auge, 3 children, and Ernst Dormann, one child.
- Emma: after WWI she emigrated to the USA
- Hans Claus Hinrich Emil: born 1901 in Elmshorn, set up after WWI as hairdresser and set up business in Lilienthal in 1925. He served on the Russian Front in WWII. He married Adele Luise
Meyerdierks in 1928 and had three children. He died in 1985.
- Marta lived in Barmstedt. She married Ernst Seehusen who worked for Norddeutschen Lloyd and travelled a great deal. He was also a musician and played bass and tuba. His two sons, Ernst and Hans Werner, together with their father were all musicians in the German army during the Great War. There were also two daughter, Lieselotte and Anna Marguerite. Anna, born 1910, moved to England in the 1926 in order to help her aunt look after her cousin Dorothy. In the 1930s she lived in Clacton and had three children by Joseph 'Clem' Bailey, an Australian veteran of Gallipoli.
- Katharina Margarethe: born 1882 in Assel, died 1959 Southend-on-Sea. Married John Gunning Lilley 1913.
- Henriette 'Henni': born 1898 she lived in Hamburg and married Willi Bergmann by whom she had three children.

Katharina's confirmation certificate